child wellness services

bring and keep our children home

At Scw'exmx Child and Family Services Society (SCFSS), we are deeply committed to promoting the wellness of children, from prenatal stages through to 12 years of age. Our approach is rooted in the belief that children flourish when they are surrounded by love, support, and cultural connection.

Our Child Wellness Team is dedicated to empowering parents to build the skills and confidence needed to support the well-being of their children. We focus on strengthening traditional parenting practices, honouring the wisdom of communities, and connecting families with resources that nurture the overall health of the family unit.

Parents can connect with cultural resources, pre- and post-natal supports and traditional parenting teachings — we offer a holistic approach to family well-being. By offering both individualized support and group programming, we provide opportunities for families to learn and grow together, fostering an environment where children can thrive.

Assistance is available to help parents navigate the various resources we offer to help support a child’s unique needs – for example, behavioural and physical development, development challenges, and specialized supports. 

By prioritizing prevention and early intervention measures that keep children with families and community, and develop community caregiver programs and support networks, our child wellness services support reunification of children in care to their families and communities.

Our commitment is to foster strong, resilient families, ensuring that children are supported on their healing journeys while remaining deeply connected to their cultural heritage and their communities.

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