Men's Group - Wellness Conference

Saturday, February 15, 2025 8:00 am to Sunday, February 16, 2025 5:30 pm

y̓e tək niɣpíkn̓ | x̌ast snʼyakʼʷqín | good afternoon!

Men's Group is hosted as a collaboration between local organizations and First Nations Bands to offer programs and services for our First Nations men.

The Men's Group Wellness Conference aims to create a safe space for men to network, share stories, and foster personal growth. By engaging with leaders, mentors, organizations, and knowledge keepers, participants can enhance their cultural skills and perspectives.

Through wellness workshops, circles, and networking, attendees can build confidence, develop new skills, and expand their professional networks. We encourage men to bring their peers to cultivate a supportive environment where individuals can learn and grow together. These opportunities not only promote personal development but also contribute to a community of motivated and empowered individuals, ultimately leading to becoming better versions of themselves.

Dates: February 15-16, 2025
Location: Civic Center- Merritt, BC

Workshops included are:

  • soapstone carving
  • copper etching
  • flint knapping
  • leather crafting
  • drum making
  • ribbon shirt making
  • fly tying
  • haircuts
  • poetry and storytelling

Other wellness activities include:

  • games
  • reiki and reflexology
  • ortho-bionomy (a gentle body therapy)
  • massage and trauma release
  • healings and readings
  • body talk

Special guests include Justin Young for Talking Circles, representatives from the Dudes Club from Vancouver sharing their successes, and elders from the Indian Residential School Survivors Society.

Wellness bags provided at the door, amazing door prizes to be won, good food and opportunities to build personal and professional growth.

Register now by clicking this link:

This conference is brought to you in partnership with: Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembely (CNA), Scw’exmx Community Health  Services Society (SCHSS), Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS), Dudes Club, Nlaka’pamux Health.

Some of the organizations will also have booths with information about employment opportunities, bring your resume!

If you have questions, please contact our office (250) 378-2771

kʷukʷscemxʷ | limləmt | Thank you

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